The Race
Date: Saturday, August 16
Start Time: TBD
Minimum Pace: 16:30/mile
Finish Cut-off Time: TBD
Race Capacity: 200
Course Description
We have updated the course for the Forest Track for 2025 and beyond. We think the course flows better this way, and based on feeback from local trail runners, we think you'll like the update.
Taking off from the chalet the course head up the ski road to open things up. From there you'll hop on the DT Fern Gully section that rolls nicely through the forest. Once you near Kingsbury Woods your work on the Superior Hiking Trail begins. The SHT on the west side of Kingsbury Creek will take you up a gradual climb to the summit of Spirit Mountain, using some connectors to make your way across the ski area. From Spirit you'll continue on the SHT all the way out to Ely's Peak. From the westside of Ely's Peak you will descend to the Duluth-Winnepeg-Pacific Railroad Trail. The old railroad tunnel is your intro to the DWP, the gravel double track that (if you have legs) will have you cruising back to the finish at the Grand Ave Chalet.
Course Stats & Info
Distance: ~14 miles
Elevation: +2245’/ -2245’ | Min 713’ | Max 1237’
Terrain: Singletrack 54%, Two-track 43%, Gravel road 2% Mixed 1%
The Trails: Duluth-Winnipeg-Pacific Railroad Trail (DWP), Superior Hiking Trail, Duluth Traverse.
Aid Stations:
All locations will have water, an electrolyte drink (details TBD) as well as limited endurance nutrition products like gels or chews. Ely's Tunnel and Skyline will have a variety of sodas and fruit.
- Juggler Joe's ~4.4 miles
- Skyline ~6.25 miles
- Ely's Tunnel ~10 miles